Thermonics T-2600BV Precision Temperature Forcing System (PTFS) is typically used for hot and cold testing of semiconductor, hybrid and other small components. The unit provides an economical, lowcost
alternative to systems that use mechanical refrigeration or LN2 as the cooling mechanism. The temperature
range is -30C to 225C. The unit is compact and portable. The smaller size enables its use in applications where traditional temperature forcing systems may be impractical due to weight and size constraints or the low volume nature of the application. The system weighs 50 lb. (22 kg.).
Vortex Technology provides the cold air source via the vortex thermal head, which adapts the PTFS to the device under test. This unique mechanism for delivering temperature-controlled air is very reliable and safe with the added benefit of not using CFC s.
Silicon rubber thermal caps provide an inner chamber that enhances fast and accurate temperature control.