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德国SI AnalyticsASTM乌氏粘度计Ubbelohde Viscometers
12年 | 指数:250 | 工商已认证
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德国SI Analytics ASTM乌氏粘度计简介:
(1)产品名称:Ubbelohde Viscometers厄布洛德毛细管粘度计(ASTM乌氏管)
符合标准:ISO/DIS 3105ASTM D2515ASTM D446
适合透明液体,粘度范围:0.35-60000 mm2/s,应用于精密测量,充填容易
(2)产品名称:Ubbelohde Viscometers厄布洛德毛细管粘度计(带管口螺纹和清洗管,ASTM乌氏管)
符合标准:ISO/DIS 3105ASTM D2515ASTM D446
3)产品名称:Viscometers for dilution series(稀释型粘度计)
适合透明液体,粘度范围:0.3-100 mm2/s,适合稀释,自动测量
填充量15~75mL; 总长度约290mm
德国SI Analytics ASTM乌氏粘度计主要参数: 
(1) Ubbelohde Viscometers厄布洛德毛细管粘度计(ASTM乌氏管)
已校正,K   未校正,K   自动,已校正有K          
型号 订货号 型号 订货号 型号 订货号 毛细管编号
K 测量范围
525 00 285400501 526 00 285400707 527 00 285401255 0 0.24 0.001 0.35 to 1
525 03 285400518 526 03 285400715 527 03 285401271 0C 0.36 0.003 0.6 to 3
525 01 285400526 526 01 285400723 527 01 285401263 0B 0.46 0.005 1 to 5
525 10 285400534 526 10 285400731 527 10 285401152 1 0.58 0.01 2 to 10
525 13 285400542 526 13 285400748 527 13 285401169 1C 0.78 0.03 6 to 30
525 11 285400550 52611 285400750 52711 285401170 1B 0,88 0,05 10 to 50
525 20 285400559 526 20 285400756 527 20 285401177 2 1.03 0.1 20 to 100
525 23 285400567 526 23 285400764 527 23 285401185 2C 1.36 0.3 60 to 300
525 30 285400575 526 30 285400772 527 30 285401193 3 1.83 1 200 to 1,000
525 33 285400583 526 33 285400789 527 33 285401288 3C 2.43 3 600 to 3,000
525 40 285400591 526 40 285400797 527 40 285401296 4 3.27 10 2,000 to 10,000
525 43 285400604 526 43 285400801 527 43 285401309 4C 4.32 30 6,000 to 30,000
(2)Ubbelohde Viscometers厄布洛德毛细管粘度计(带管口螺纹和清洗管,ASTM乌氏管)
型号 编号
K 测量范围
54500 0 0.24 0.001 0.35-1
54503 0c 0.36 0.003 0.6-3
54501 0b 0.46 0.005 1-5
54510 I 0.58 0.01 2-10
54513 Ic 0.78 0.03 6-30
54520 II 1.03 0.1 20-100
54523 IIc 1.36 0.3 60-300
54530 III 1.83 1 200-1000
54533 IIIc 2.43 3 600-3000
54540 IV 3.27 10 2000-10000
54543 IVc 4.32 30 600030000
3)产品名称:Viscometers for dilution series(稀释型粘度计)
型号 编号 毛细管Φimm K 测量范围【mm2/s
53100 O 0.36 0.001 0.35-0.6
53103 Oc 0.47 0.003 0.5-2
53101 Oa 0.53 0.005 0.8-3
53110 I 0.64 0.01 1.2-6
53113 Ic 0.84 0.03 3-.20
53120 II 1.15 0.1 10-60
德国SI Analytics ASTM乌氏粘度计订购指南:
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) not Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated Capillary No. 0, Constant K = 0.001 285400707 526 00
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) not Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated Capillary No. 0b, Constant K = 0.005 285400723 526 01
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) not Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated Capillary No. 0c, Constant K = 0.003 285400715 526 03
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) not Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated Capillary No. I, Constant K = 0.01 285400731 526 10
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) not Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated Capillary No. Ic, Constant K = 0.03 285400748 526 13
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) not Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated Capillary No. II, Constant K = 0.1 285400756 526 20
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) not Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated Capillary No. IIc, Constant K = 0.3 285400764 526 23
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) not Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated Capillary No. III, Constant K = 1 285400772 526 30
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) not Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated Capillary No. IIIc, Constant K = 3 285400789 526 33
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) not Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated Capillary No. IV, Constant K = 10 285400797 526 40
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) not Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated Capillary No. IVc, Constant K = 30 285400801 526 43
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for manual measurements Capillary No. IVc, Constant K = 30 285400604 525 43
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for manual measurements Capillary No. 0, Constant K = 0.001 285400501 525 00
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for manual measurements Capillary No. 0b, Constant K = 0.005 285400526 525 01
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for manual measurements Capillary No. 0c, Constant K = 0.003 285400518 525 03
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for manual measurements Capillary No. I, Constant K = 0.01 285400534 525 10
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for manual measurements Capillary No. Ic, Constant K = 0.03 285400542 525 13
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for manual measurements Capillary No. II, Constant K = 0.1 285400559 525 20
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for manual measurements Capillary No. IIc, Constant K = 0.3 285400567 525 23
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for manual measurements Capillary No. III, Constant K = 1 285400575 525 30
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for manual measurements Capillary No. IIIc, Constant K = 3 285400583 525 33
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for manual measurements Capillary No. IV, Constant K = 10 285400591 525 40
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements Capillary No. 0, Constant K = 0.001 285401255 527 00
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements Capillary No. 0b, Constant K = 0.005 285401263 527 01
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements Capillary No. 0c, Constant K = 0.003 285401271 527 03
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements Capillary No. I, Constant K = 0.01 285401152 527 10
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements Capillary No. Ic, Constant K = 0.03 285401169 527 13
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements Capillary No. II, Constant K = 0.1 285401177 527 20
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements Capillary No. IIc, Constant K = 0.3 285401185 527 23
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements Capillary No. III, Constant K = 1 285401193 527 30
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements Capillary No. IIIc, Constant K = 3 285401288 527 33
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements Capillary No. IV, Constant K = 10 285401296 527 40
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements Capillary No. IVc, Constant K = 30 285401309 527 43
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. 0, Constant K = 0.001 285402005 545 00
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. 0a, Constant K = 0.005 285402013 545 01
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. 0c, Constant K = 0.003 285402021 545 03
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. l, Constant K = 0.01 285402038 545 10
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. Ic, Constant K = 0.03 285402046 545 13
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. II, Constant K = 0.1 285402054 545 20
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. IIc, Constant K = 0.3 285402062 545 23
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. III, Constant K = 1 285402079 545 30
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. IIIc, Constant K = 3 285402087 545 33
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. IV, Constant K = 10 285402095 545 40
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. IVc, Constant K = 30 285402108 545 43
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. 0, Constant K = 0.001 285402005 545 00
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. 0a, Constant K = 0.005 285402013 545 01
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. 0c, Constant K = 0.003 285402021 545 03
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. l, Constant K = 0.01 285402038 545 10
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. Ic, Constant K = 0.03 285402046 545 13
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. II, Constant K = 0.1 285402054 545 20
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. IIc, Constant K = 0.3 285402062 545 23
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. III, Constant K = 1 285402079 545 30
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. IIIc, Constant K = 3 285402087 545 33
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. IV, Constant K = 10 285402095 545 40
Ubbelohde viscometers (ASTM) Ubbelohde viscometer (ASTM), calibrated for automatic measurements, with filling and cleaning tube Capillary No. IVc, Constant K = 30 285402108 545 43
Ubbelohde viscometers for dilution series Ubbelohde viscometer for dilution series, not calibrated Capillary No. 0, Constant K = 0.001 285401403 531 00
Ubbelohde viscometers for dilution series Ubbelohde viscometer for dilution series, not calibrated Capillary No. 0a, Constant K = 0.005 285401411 531 01
Ubbelohde viscometers for dilution series Ubbelohde viscometer for dilution series, not calibrated Capillary No. 0c, Constant K = 0.003 285401428 531 03
Ubbelohde viscometers for dilution series Ubbelohde viscometer for dilution series, not calibrated Capillary No. I, Constant K = 0.01 285401436 531 10
Ubbelohde viscometers for dilution series Ubbelohde viscometer for dilution series, not calibrated Capillary No. Ic, Constant K = 0.03 285401444 531 13
Ubbelohde viscometers for dilution series Ubbelohde viscometer for dilution series, not calibrated Capillary No. II, Constant K = 0.1 285401452 531 20
品牌:德国SI Analytics
型号:Ubbelohde Viscometers
测量范围:见具体描述 MPa﹒s