美国Murphy Gauges摩菲仪表
Murphy公司成立于1939年。美国Murphy现场仪表及自控仪表适用于:石油、化工、冶金、环保、船用发动机、工业自动化控制等行业,以其稳定可靠的性能及较高的性价比得到广大用户的认可和欢迎。主要产品有:压力、温度、液位仪表,振动保护开关,控制阀门,发动机、空压机控制模块(以及控制柜),J1939总线仪表等。 为世界*公司,如Mack Trucks、Caterpillar、Cummins等选用。天然气压缩机组(往复、螺杆) 仪表风压缩机成套 API 618 标准压缩机 高压空气、天然气系统,天然气压缩机的成撬业务用
摩菲J1939 CAN总线仪表Gauges (J1939/CAN)
PowerView PVCAN Gauges
Standalone SAE J1939 CAN gauges
PowerView PVA Gauges
Advanced analog gauges used with PowerView displays
PowerView PVM Gauges
Streamlined analog gages targeted at lower-horsepower engines, used with PowerView displays
MLA20 / MLA35 / MLAA20
Used with the MDDM
Gauges (Electric)Mechanical
AT / ATH Tachometers Tachometers and tachometer/hourmeters.
EG / EGS Series The electric gage and electric Swichgage instrument.
EN204 Series The electric gage and electric Swichgage instrument.
摩菲机械式直感式温度表Mechanical Temperature Gauges
20T / 25T
The 2- and 2.5-inch (51 and 64 mm) dial temperature Swichgage instrument.
A20T / A25T
The 2- and 2.5-inch (51 and 64 mm) dial temperature Swichgage instrument with a polycarbonate case for environmental sealing.
Exhaust Pyrometers
Single and dual port pyrometers.
SDB Series
The 3.5-inch (89 mm) dial bi-metallic temperature Swichgage instrument.
SPL & 45TE
The 4.5-inch (114 MM) dial temperature Swichgage instrument.
摩菲机械直感式压力表Mechanical Pressure Gauges
20BPG / 20BVG / 20BTG
The B-Series 2-inch (51 and 64 mm) dial pressure and vacuum Murphygage instrument.
20DP / 25DP / A20DP / A25DP
The 2- and 2.5-inch (51 and 64 mm) dial differential pressure Swichgage instrument.
20P / 25P Series 20P / 25P Series
The 2- and 2.5-inch (51 and 64 mm) dial pressure Swichgage instrument.
20V / 25V / A20V / A25V
The 2- and 2.5-inch (51 and 64 mm) dial vacuum Swichgage instrument.
20VWC / 25VWC / A25VWC
The 2- and 2.5-inch (51 and 64 mm) dial filter restriction Swichgage instrument.
A20P / A25P Series A20P / A25P Series
The 2- and 2.5-inch (51 and 64 mm) dial pressure Swichgage instrument with a polycarbonate case for environmental sealing.
45 Series
The 4.5-inch (114 MM) dial pressure Swichgage instrument for Magneto, CD and battery ignition system.
The 4.5-inch (114 MM) dial pressure Swichgage instrument.
OPL Series
The 4.5-inch (114 MM) dial pressure gage and Swichgage instrument.
PD8100 Series
Pulsation dampener.
The 4.5-inch (114 MM) dial lead line pressure gage and Swichgage instrument.
Oil pressure tubing kits
信德迈科技(北京)有限公司在中国经销美国Murphy摩菲仪器仪表产品已经有十年历史。Murphy产品包括机械式仪表、电动式仪表、CAN总线仪表;液位仪表、振动、计时和过速检测仪表、仪表用继电器、控制阀、发动机J1939 系统产品、发电机组控制器、发动机控制器等产品。Murphy摩菲仪器仪表位于美国俄克拉荷马州的,有着70余年在石油石化设备控制保护、船用发动机控制、电喷发动机控制、空气压缩机及风机保护与控制方面*的仪器仪表制造水准,在现场控制仪器仪表行业独树一帜,被世界范围的大型设备制造厂家所选用。
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